
The Mirror within the Mask 4

TO: Lord DarthVader
FROM: The Imperial Social Division
RE: Fete Week Celebrations

The following is the updated schedule for the planned Fete Week celebrations; please note there have been two minor changes to the event schedule.

Day 1
-Opening ceremonies begin at 17:00 hrs CST in the Grand Ball Room, please note this is a public event and formal dress is not required.
- There will be a private reception for all Imperial Employees at 20:00 hrs CST in the Tarkin room. This event is being catered by Ta’lucci and Frolla’s catering company. Food and drink are complimentary. There will be no admittance without invitation. Semi formal dress is required.
-Fireworks will begin promptly at 23:00 hrs CST and can be viewed from the east wing gate and balconies.

Day 2

- Imperial Children’s Day activities begin at 09:00 hrs in the Bail Organa Conference room. These activities are open to all children of Imperial Palace employees and the day includes a lunch served at 12:00 hrs CST. Today’s feature: How to make a paper Stormtrooper’s mask. Please make sure all children are wearing their ident tags securely and visibly. Activities end at 16:00 hrs CST.
- There will be an officer’s luncheon in the Green Room, in the West wing at 12:00 hrs CST. Please note this is an invitation only event and no guests are permitted. Dress uniform is required.
- There will be a ladies Luncheon for spouses of Imperial officers held in the Alderaan Garden room at 12:00 hrs, this event is invitation only, no guests or children permitted. Suitable dress is required.
- Professor Katthea Verkysicc will be giving a lecture entitled, Meaning and Significance of Ithorian music in the Old Republic, in the small lecture theatre located in the East Wing, first floor. This lecture will begin at 14:00 hrs and is open to all. Security checks will be in place. *note this event has been rescheduled from 15:00 hrs CST.
- Public palace tours will commence for groups of twenty at 14:00 hrs until 18:00 hrs. These tours will be guided and are free to the public. The Emperor wishes to give the populace the opportunity to see some of the restoration and upgrades that have been done to the Imperial palace. Please note due to increased security during these times all Palace Employees must wear their identification badges openly or risk being arrested for trespassing.
- There will be a private reception for all Imperial Employees at 20:00 hrs CST in the Tarkin room. This event is being catered by Ta’lucci and Frolla’s catering company. Food and drink are complimentary. There will be no admittance without invitation. Semi formal dress is required.
- Fireworks will begin promptly at 23:00 hrs CST and may be viewed from the west wing gate and balconies.

Day 3
- Imperial Children’s Day activities begin at 09:00 hrs in the Bail Organa Conference room. These activities are open to all children of Imperial Palace employees and the day includes a lunch served at 12:00 hrs CST. Today’s feature: building a model TIE fighter from ice-treat sticks. Please make sure all children are wearing their ident tags securely and visibly. Activities end at 16:00 hrs CST.
- There will be an Imperial Palace Staff meet and greet luncheon at 12:00 hrs CST, held in the Green Room, in the West wing. This event is invitation only and suitable dress is required.
- Dr. Koy Rewand will be giving a lecture entitled, Alien Cultures and their Subversive Natures-How we can learn from their Mistakes, in the small lecture theatre located in the East Wing, first floor. This lecture will begin at 14:00 hrs and is open to all. Security checks will be in place. *note this event has been rescheduled from 13:00 hrs CST.
- Public palace tours will commence for groups of twenty at 14:00 hrs until 18:00 hrs. These tours will be guided and are free to the public. The Emperor wishes to give the populace the opportunity to see some of the restoration and upgrades that have been done to the Imperial palace. Please note due to increased security during these times all Palace Employees must wear their identification badges openly or risk being arrested for trespassing.
- There will be a private reception for all Imperial Employees at 20:00 hrs CST in the Tarkin room. This event is being catered by Ta’lucci and Frolla’s catering company. Food and drink are complimentary. There will be no admittance without invitation. Semi formal dress is required.
- Fireworks will begin promptly at 23:00 hrs CST and may be viewed from the South wing gate and balconies.

Day 4
- Imperial Children’s Day activities begin at 09:00 hrs in the Bail Organa Conference room. These activities are open to all children of Imperial Palace employees and the day includes a lunch served at 12:00 hrs CST. Today’s feature: Imperial Colouring book and appropriate colour usage: Coloured pencils included. Please make sure all children are wearing their ident tags securely and visibly. Activities end at 16:00 hrs CST.
- There will be a guided tour of the Imperial Palace Botanical Gardens. This event starts at 10:00 hrs CST and will take approximately 1 hour. This is an open to the public event and security checks will be in place.
- There will be an Officers and Wives luncheon held in the Green Room of the West Wing, at 12:00 hrs CST. This is an invitation only event and Dress uniforms and semi formal ladies wear is required. The Emperor is scheduled to be in attendance – subject to change at his discretion.
- Grand Admiral Danetta Pitta will be giving a lecture entitled; The Importance of Purity in Human Culture, in the small lecture theatre located in the East Wing, first floor. This lecture will begin at 14:00 hrs and is open to all. Security checks will be in place.
- Public palace tours will commence for groups of twenty at 14:00 hrs until 18:00 hrs. These tours will be guided and are free to the public. The Emperor wishes to give the populace the opportunity to see some of the restoration and upgrades that have been done to the Imperial palace. Please note due to increased security during these times all Palace Employees must wear their identification badges openly or risk being arrested for trespassing.
- There will be a private reception for all Imperial Employees at 20:00 hrs CST in the Tarkin room. This event is being catered by Ta’lucci and Frolla’s catering company. Food and drink are complimentary. There will be no admittance without invitation. Semi formal dress is required.
- Fireworks will begin promptly at 23:00 hrs CST and may be viewed from the North wing gate and balconies.

Day 5
- Imperial Children’s Day activities begin at 09:00 hrs in the Bail Organa Conference room. These activities are open to all children of Imperial Palace employees and the day includes a lunch served at 12:00 hrs CST. Today’s feature: Making a Darth Vader or Grand Moff hand puppet from a sock, socks will be provided. Please make sure all children are wearing their ident tags securely and visibly. Activities end at 16:00 hrs CST.
- A guided tour of the Imperial Palace art and artefacts will commence at 10:00 hrs CST. This tour is limited to five groups of twenty and is not open to the public. If you wish to attend please sign the attached attendance sheet with your name and Ident tag number. This event will be a first come first served event.
- Dance Master Draskoy Sandorfia will be giving a lecture entitled; The Intricacies of Intimate Court Dances; Pavane, Waltz and Rondelle, how to Understand and Use Them, in the small lecture theatre located in the East Wing, first floor. This lecture will begin at 14:00 hrs and is open to all. Security checks will be in place.
- Public palace tours will commence for groups of twenty at 14:00 hrs until 18:00 hrs. These tours will be guided and are free to the public. The Emperor wishes to give the populace the opportunity to see some of the restoration and upgrades that have been done to the Imperial palace. Please note due to increased security during these times all Palace Employees must wear their identification badges openly or risk being arrested for trespassing.
- Closing Ceremonies will take place in the main audience chamber at 19:00 hrs, this event is open to the public, security checks will be in place.
- End of Fete Week Celebration Gala will be held in the Grand Ball room, starting at 20:00 hrs CST. Live music provided by the Coruscant Big bang Orchestra, Master Odrum ‘Ressem conducting, Melora Andarej-Lead singer. Catering will be provided by Ta’lucci and Frolla and beverages will be complimentary. This event is invitation only. Formal dress and dress uniforms are required. Due to several unpleasant incidents from last year there will be a weapon’s check at the door and an increased security presence. Disruptions will not be tolerated and those who cannot behave themselves accordingly will be forcibly removed and charges will be laid. The Emperor is scheduled to be in attendance – subject to change at his discretion.
- Fireworks will begin promptly at 23:00 hrs CST and may be viewed from all sides of the Imperial palace.

Further updates will be posted as they happen.

Marlann Taralae
Imperial Social Event Director.

“I see you have the new Fete Week schedule.” Shiv said as he poked his head around my door.

“Darth Vader and Grand Moff sock puppets?” I asked waving the data pad at him.

He shrugged. “Wasn’t my idea, so don’t blame me.”

I shook my head and sighed.

“So are you planning on attending any of the big events?” He asked sitting on my desk.

“Maybe, depends on how busy I am.” I smiled.

“Or how busy a certain Admiral is?” He countered.

I gave him a wan smile. “Ha ha funny.” I said. “He’s always busy, which you know, so I’ll probably be either going it alone or hanging out with you lot.”

“Don’t sound so thrilled!” he said pretending to be hurt.

“How’s Tygs doing? Has he calmed down any?” I asked switching the subject.

“Yeah, oh that reminds me, he said to say he was sorry for the outburst.”

I shrugged. “It’s okay, the job gets to us all after a while.

Shiv looked at me for a bit. “How are you doing? You look like you’ve lost weight and you need to do something about the black circles under your eyes, Rim–Girl. Maybe I am going to have to have a little chat with your Admiral friend about your health. Falling for someone is supposed to be good for you, make you all glowy and smiley, not wreck you.” He grinned.

“Oh? Well, according to my Holloway books falling for someone is exactly what kills you. How does he put it, to those on the outside an affair of the heart is a glorious thing but to those in the know it is a destructive demon that will burn your soul to ashes. ” I told him. I didn’t dare mention that my two weeks of sleepless nights had very little to do with Thrawn and far more to do with Lord Vader’s past.

He gave me a grin. “Okay I get the point, but you know that Holloway was a jaded spice addict who never had any luck with women.” He said and he hopped off the desk. “Just came by to tell you that we’re heading out to that new bar tonight if you want to come?”

“Thanks, but I have too much to do here. It’s a mad house and Lord Vader has been particularly pissy lately and,” I added. “I really need to sleep.”

Shiv made a face. “Yeah, yeah. If I had a credit for every time I heard those words I’d be wealthier than the Emperor.” He waved at me as he left. “And for goodness sakes, eat something; you are starting to look like one of those models Xizor has been dating recently.”

I rolled my eyes at him as he left my office. The truth of the matter was I had a lesson with Lord Vader and if I was late or I missed it he would not be impressed. Twice he had arranged a time to start teaching me how to use a lightsaber, my lightsaber and twice now he had cancelled because something had come up. Hopefully the third time would be a charm and work out.

With master Kjestyll’s help and guidance my shoulder was slowly getting stronger. It was a tedious, painful process and while I didn’t complain much but he knew how I felt so when I had told him about Lord Vader’s offer to instruct me in the ways of lightsaber use he was pleased.

“It will do you good to learn something new.” He had told me while pushing me to stretch and use my shoulder. “I will come and watch. I have not seen lightsaber taught in a long time.”

“Won’t Lord Vader mind?” I asked. Sometimes he was tetchy about things like that.

Master Kjestyll had shaken his head and smiled. “No.” but he had not explained further and had instead chided me for not concentrating on what I was doing. It had been a long lesson.

In Lord Vader’s personal training room I waited with my Master who patiently guided me through a series of warm up stretches and exercises. I was in the middle of a very deep leg stretch when Lord Vader strode in.

“Master Kjestyll, a pleasure to see you as always.” He said with a nod of his head.

“Like wise, Lord Vader. My young student here tells me you will instruct her in that most honourable of weapons. She is most fortunate. I hope that you will allow me to observe?”

“Of course.” Vader replied.

I had dressed in my Bunduki clothes and had brought the lightsaber I had taken from Jyrki’s desk. I didn’t think that Lord Vader would know where it had come from or much less care. It was a lightsaber. He held out his hand and I gave it to him. He turned it on and swung it. The blade hummed in the air as it arced about with his motion. He moved it so fast all I saw was a blur of light.

“The blade had good balance.” He commented. He was going to say something more but changed his mind at the last minute. He handed it back to me.

“Before we start I have something I want to say.” I said.

Lord Vader nodded.

“I wish to keep all my limbs so no cutting off of arms, fingers, hands, legs or anything else. Are we clear?” I said.

Lord Vader laughed. I wished he wouldn’t do that, it was very disturbing. “Very well.” He said. “I shall refrain from severing anything important.”

I shook my head. “Nope, you must refrain from severing anything at all.”

This time it was my master who laughed.

“If you insist, now if you are ready…we’ll begin.” Lord Vader said tartly. “Turn the sabre on and stand with it.”

I did as he asked. He watched me and after a few seconds my lesson began.


Jean-Luc Picard said...

Lord Vader is very keen on severing!

merlyn said...

yes, I know. It's disturbing and it causes a TON of paperwork.

merlyn said...

the Imperials love their receptions and fancy functions...any excuse to eat catered food and do that elegant political dance of networking. Trust me it's tedious.