The Bitter Twist of Dark 4
With the latest version of Cynabar’s Droid Datalogue in my hands I made my way into the office despite the fact that I was supposed to be under strict ‘stay at home’ and rest orders. I was bored of sitting at home doing everything except look at the holocron cubes uncle Vahlek had taken from the Jedi Temple. It wasn’t as if sitting at my desk was stressful or strenuous and there at least I could get something constructive done. I greeted my droid and made spiced coffee and as I sat at my desk reading through the pile of internal memos and news-reports I was grateful that some things never changed.
I was in the middle of reading a report on the latest terrorist attacks by the Justice Action Network. They had sabotaged and destroyed the Calabar Queen, a yacht from the Imperial Corusca line when Lord Vader marched in.
“You are not supposed to be here.” He said with his usual cheer.
“I was bored.” I replied. “Why are you here, I thought you were not due back on planet for another three days or so.”
He looked at me and then said. “I am saving you from your boredom.” He said. “I have a list of things that need updating and sorting out.” He handed me a data file.
I skimmed through it and nodded.
“I take it since you are here, you feel up to doing some work.” Which was Vader speak for ‘you seem to be recovering’.
“Yes, I am feeling much better thank you, though my shoulder still hurts like hell. Master Kjestyll thinks that with serious work it will heal well enough…”
He waved a hand at me. “Enough babble, a simple yes or no would suffice.” He said. “I require the new probe droids as soon as possible, no later than the end of the week. The rest you may accomplish as you see fit. I will not be on planet long, so if you want to reach me do it via the ‘net.” He said.
“Yes, my lord.” I said looking at the data pad again.
“I was supposed to meet with Xizor tomorrow afternoon, you will cancel that.” He added.
“Yes, my lord.”
“Oh and do not bother to send me the schedule for Winter Fete when it crosses your desk. I have no intention of being here for it. If you wish to attend that nonsense you may do so at your discretion.”
“Yes, my lord, thank you.”
“And there will be a public unveiling of the Flag ship, the Executor scheduled some time soon, make certain that my calendar is cleared for this event and you will also be attending. Dress appropriately. The details will be sent to you.” He paced as he spoke.
“Yes, my lord, as you wish.”
“My personal physician has informed me of your recovery status; while I understand your need to work, you are of little use to me lying in my personal med lab.”
“Understood. I won’t over do it.”
He stopped pacing long enough to stand, hands clasped behind his back, to stare out of the window. “Your master informed me that you fought very well at the trials as well as against the boy you killed.”
“Killing him wasn’t on my list of things to do, you know.” I snapped then clapped a hand over my mouth.
“Perhaps not but it was an inevitable conclusion to the challenge issued, was it not?”
“Well, it was either him or me.” I said sipping at my coffee.
“Master Kjestyll tells me that you surpassed your level trial and were elevated two levels above your previous one.”
I nodded.
“You did not disappoint me.” He said. This was Vader speak for ‘I am pleased with your performance so I think I will let you live another day.’ He whirled around and strode over to the desk. His cloak flared impressively behind him and I was sure he did this just for effect. “Follow me.” He said making a ‘come here’ motion with his hand and before I could even think to question him he was on his way out of the office.
I did as he had commanded and followed him. I had to trot to keep up. He made his way down the hallway, into the older part of the Palace, past where my flat was, turned left and continued down one of the smaller hallways until he reached a set of double doors. He opened the room up and much to my surprise he let me walk in first. I gasped out loud when I saw what was in there.
“You have proven your abilities; it was about time you had a proper place to train.” He said.
I looked around the room. It was amazing. This had been an unused meeting room at one time; I had explored it almost two years ago. Now it had been transformed into a beautiful training room, complete with a sprung floor, a barre and full length mirrors along the wall kitty corner from the stunning, tall windows that over looked the north face of the city. Against the other wall was a weapons stand with two of the most beautiful combat staves I had ever seen. I had no idea what to say. For once he had rendered me speechless.
“It has been suggested that you should start training with others of your class, to do so in the old room you usually work in would be a disgrace and reflect badly on me. You will use this room from now on.” He said.
I just looked at him and nodded. Had he been anyone else I probably would have hugged them in delight but hugging Lord Vader was not something I ever wanted to even think about attempting. So instead I mentally sent him a telepathic thank you. He got the message.
“Perhaps if I have time, when you are fit I shall train with you myself and see just how far along you have come.” He told me. “Now, you have work to do, do you not?”
“Yes, my lord.” I grinned. My grin broadened into a huge smile when he handed me the key to the room. He just shook his head and stalked out of the room leaving me to lock the door and head back to my office.
The next hour or so was spent cancelling Lord Vader’s meeting with Prince Xizor, the prince’s office wasn’t impressed and the woman I spoke with was just plain rude. That didn’t bother me much, when one works with Lord Vader rude becomes a way of life.
The droid manufacturer was a bit testy. It wasn’t the number of probe droids being ordered that put him in a tizzy but rather the when they had to be delivered. He was quick to shut up when I reminded him about the money he stood to lose should Lord Vader take his business some place else…I didn’t have to mention that he might also forfeit his life.
I was about half way through Lord Vader’s list and on my third cup of spiced coffee when the door to my office opened and Thrawn walked in. My heart caught in my chest and I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through me, as though I had suddenly walked between two power couplings. Apart from his brief visit to my bed-side in the med lab, I had not seen him in well over a year. He had not changed. He was still tall and slender and moved with a languid, jax like grace. It had been a while since his hair had been cut severely short and I liked the length it was now, it made his face less hard looking. He smiled as the door closed behind him.
“I thought you were under strict orders to rest?” he said sitting down in the chair nearest the desk.
“I am.” I said, suddenly realising why he had not come to visit me before now. I tried to contain my delight at seeing him and failed miserably.
He glanced around. “This is your office, not your flat.” He said.
“I see your time in the unknown regions has not lessened your powers of observation any.”
“And your time in the bacta tank has not dulled your sharp tongue.” He crossed one leg over the other and folded his hands on his lap. His expression was that of a man thoroughly enjoying himself.
“Well, while bacta is a wonder it unfortunately cannot fix all ills.” I told him, sipping my coffee.
“So, my dear, why are you not resting at home?” he asked.
“Because I was bored out of my mind and it’s not as if there is a big difference in sitting at home or sitting here.” I told him. “Except that here I get to talk to people and barked at by Lord Vader. So far it’s been a good day; he's kept his barking to a minimum.” I said.
“Have you eaten yet?” he asked.
I shook my head and glanced at the chrono to see what time it was. “Actually, I haven’t even thought about it.” It was later than I had thought and I realised that I was hungry.
“In accordance with your doctor’s orders, I hereby declare you are now done for the day and you will now accompany me to a late lunch or an early dinner.” He said standing up.
“Well, it needs to be something I can eat with one hand; I am a bit tied up at the moment.” I motioned my head at the sling holding my arm firmly against my chest, which was hidden by my top.
“I think something suitable can be arranged.” He said, waiting for me to shut the computers down and sort out my desk.
“I should go home and change if we are going out.” I said. I was wearing a pair of comfortable wide legged trousers and a roomy, square cut top that went over the trussed up arm easily. I could not move that arm to get in and out of sleeves very well.
“You look fine. We won’t be going any where fancy. A little trust Miss Gabriel.” He smiled.
With nothing else keeping me at my desk I got up and joined him. With a hand warm on my back, he escorted me out of the office, out of the palace to his waiting vehicle. We didn’t speak as he drove away from the Palace and as we neared our destination I smiled.
“We’re eating at your place?” I asked as the speeder came to a stop at the personal landing pad.
He smiled as he got out and was at my side before I could even open the door. I slipped my hand in his and he helped me out of the vehicle. “I want to get out of my uniform and then we can discuss where and what to eat.”
“Ah.” I nodded as we walked into his flat. It had been ages since I was last here. It was a stunning apartment, high up in the Coruscant skyline with lots of space and light. It was tastefully decorated with elegant furniture and beautiful works of art. I smiled as I saw the ma’arilite sculpture that I loved so much.
“I’ll just be a moment, make yourself comfortable.” He said as he vanished into another room.
I wandered around, looking at the artwork and the stone sculpture. I moved around it, captivated by the shifting lights that danced within the stone. His flat smelled of a wonderful mixture of spices, some exotic soap and something indefinable. I was studying his book collection when he reappeared. Instead of the olive Imperial uniform he had been wearing he was dressed in casual black dress slacks and a long sleeved, form fitting crew necked shirt. I knew we were not going out to lunch because his feet were bare. I gave him a smile, he looked good in black.
“Find anything interesting?” he asked, nodding at the book shelf.
I shook my head. “Was just skimming.” I said. He made my stomach flutter. I was trying not to show the nerves that suddenly rippled through me and I felt almost as though I could not breathe. I just stood there, looking at him. He motioned for me to come to where he was standing.
“How is the arm?” he asked as I stood in front of him, my heart pounding, my mouth dry.
“Healing, slowly.” I mumbled. I didn’t want to talk about it. Two fingertips lifted my face upward to look at him.
“I did not expect to find you in a hospital when I returned.” He told me. There was a catch in his voice.
“Well, it wasn’t really my plan to be there.” I said.
“No I don’t suppose it was.” He said quietly and reached over to brush a lock of hair from my face. I had not bothered to tie my hair up; I needed two hands for that.
I wondered if the world had stopped, after all this time apart, he could still make my hands tremble, my heart race. I leaned into his touch with a sigh and perhaps that was the signal he had been waiting for because he pulled me to him and held me as tightly as he dared without hurting me. He buried his face in my hair and inhaled. I felt rather than knew what was on his mind but he didn’t want to say these thoughts out loud and I understood this because I didn’t either. There were no words adequate enough to describe the sensation of just being held. All the letters in the universe could not come close to the reality of it. I just closed my eyes and breathed him in deeply. Home, his scent, his arms, and his warmth it all reminded me of home. He let go of me just enough so that I could look up into his eyes, so that he could cradle my face in his hands. He looked tired, just a little, and there was a weariness about his eyes that I didn’t remember from the last time we had been together. My gaze never wavered when I met his glowing, red stare. If passion was a stillness then we had enough for the whole galaxy as we stood there looking at one another without words. It was if the entire galaxy was holding its breath, waiting. I hated waiting.
“I think this is the part where you kiss me now.” I prompted for lack of anything else to say.
He did. Carefully, gently, completely as though in the time we had been apart he had forgotten what I tasted like, what I felt like. Home, I thought as I lost myself to his kiss. I slipped my arm around his waist and held on to him as tightly as I could. Words that had never been spoken rattled through my brain wanting to escape, wanting to be heard. I bit them back and answered his passion with my own. This wordless conversation was eloquent and fulfilling. I had missed him, missed this. Warm and sweet, he tasted of everything good.
Before desire took over completely, he drew back from me. I dropped my head down to rest it against his chest, concentrating on catching my breath. He stroked the tangles from my hair and didn’t fight when I pulled away from his warmth. There was no doubt about the fact that we complicated each other’s lives and while I could not speak for him I knew that in some indefinable way he also completed mine. I just wasn’t sure how.
“Welcome back to Coruscant.” I said looking up at him.
He smiled as he caressed my face. “If that is the sort of welcome I am going to receive when I go away I shall do so more often.”
“Don’t you dare!” I said crossly. “My hand is still recovering from having to write all those letters!”
He laughed and pulled me to him again, forgetting my arm in the sling so that I yelped when it bumped hard against his chest. He apologised and stepped back. “How long before you are free of the brace?” he asked.
I shrugged. “I don’t know, at least a few more days. The shoulder is really messed up.”
He nodded not saying what he really wanted to say in favour of keeping the mood light. “It does make pre emptive strikes against teasing a little difficult.” He said, “The plan was to seduce you, not hurt you.”
It was my turn to laugh. “Well, seduction sounds like fun but lunch is a necessity. I’m hungry, what were you planning on making?”
“I thought we’d order in, I know a great Zabraki place that delivers. Very spicy.” He said.
“That sounds wonderful, I love spicy food. Traditional Tatooine cuisine is very hot.”
He picked up a menu and handed it to me as I sat on the couch. I had never eaten Zabraki food before so after reading through the list of offered dishes a few times I gave up and handed it back to him. “You pick.” I said. “What about something to drink?”
“I thought I would surprise you.” He said.
“And then?”
“That’s a surprise as well.” He said, “But you are under doctor’s orders to rest so it’s nothing strenuous.” He took the menu from my hand and then placed the food order. Once that was done he vanished into the kitchen and came back with two glasses of a deep burgundy wine.
I took the glass he offered. He touched his to mine and I whispered the Cheunh toast. I sipped it and marvelled at its rich, deep flavour.
“Chall berry wine from Naboo.” He said. “I keep a good supply in the wine cellar; this was a very good year.”
“You have a wine cellar?” I asked looking at him over the rim of the huge bowl glass.
He smiled. “Doesn’t every well bred alien?”
I shrugged with one shoulder. “I don’t know. I am not on such close personal terms with too many well bred aliens.” I gave him a look.
“Careful, Miss Gabriel the evening is still young.” He warned.
You don’t scare me!” I told him.
“Okay, maybe just a little.” I said. “But in a good sort of way not a Jyrki-Vader sort of way.”
He had to turn away from me because he’d almost choked on the sip of wine he was taking. I guess it would have been undignified to see him splutter wine everywhere. Drinking and laughing at the same time didn’t really work.
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